


HERBS…These can be used in mojo pouches and worn or carried. They are also frequently used in incense and mixed with resins like frankincense to burn on a charcoal disc. A special wash can be made using a variety of herbs mixed together then boiled in water and applied to doors, skirting boards, and window frames to protect the home from negativity or ill wishing. A useful book to help you choose your herbs is ‘Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs’ by Scott Cunningham. It lists hundreds of herbs and their magical uses as well as useful section of herbs that are ‘masculine’ or ‘feminine’ and an ‘at a glance’ section for specific use that list the herbs you can use.

Check our workshops page regularly to find out when we are next running a herbal incense workshop.

Please note that the herbs we sell are for magical use only and not for consumption or use in cosmetics or ointments.

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This book by Scott Cunningham is truly encyclopedic. It gives information on over 400 herbs in an ea..
These brass charcoal tongs are perfect for holding onto charcoal discs while you light them Measu..
The charcoal disk should be lit (an old fork is ideal if you do not have tongs to hold the disc with..
A small wooden scoop perfect for herbs or bath salts. Great to have in the kitchen too! ..
Peace A calming blend of herbs intended to help centre the mind and attain inner peace. This blen..